Is there anything beyond death? And is it worth having?
“The only limit to our realization of tomorrow is our doubts of today.” — Franklin D. Roosevelt

Susan Shore
I have lived most of my life in Melbourne, Australia. I received a degree in Humanities from the University of Melbourne, having studied philosophy and the philosophy of science.
I went on to study librarianship and became a Children’s and Young Adult librarian. I became a mother, and then I began the research for this book. It took ten years for that research. I wanted to know the truth about death and after that first, my father and then my mother died of cancer, and my sister also contracted cancer.
Death, Our Last Illusion: A Scientific and Spiritual Probing of the Life Beyond Death.
Is there anything beyond death? And is it worth having? This book begins with the latest science on the Near-death Experience, then explores the passage through physical death to the states of conscious being beyond. These states often blissful are outlined by our great religious traditions, and detailed in Tibetan Buddhism and the perennial philosophy, particularly in the Alice Bailey books. Traditional sources are compared with findings of science and medicine, and psychology from Jung and Piaget to Wilber. Later chapters examine clinical studies by reputable psychiatrists and psychologists: These were undertaken after they accidentally took subjects into ‘the place the Tibetans call the Bardo’ the state after death between lives.

Book Review
"This book brought together so much that had been at war or at odds in my thinking about the nature of life and death. It resolved the great questions, through an exploration in science and medicine and psychology and history, of the accumulated evidence about the nature of death as in a sense, a non-event. It brought me peace at last, beyond that given me by my studies in divinity or science."
Rod J JepsenLife changing book
"I only wish I'd known about this book when my aunt was dying in a hospice. It would have helped her so much to read it.
Since I'm one of the lucky people who's had a near death experience I know there's nothing to fear on the other side - quite the contrary.
This book's impressive study of the evidence takes much of the guessing out of what's a huge unknown for most. Its factual, academic treatment of the topic will appeal to the scientist and sceptic while its weaving in of the author's own personal journey enlivens and humanises it.
Every library should have a copy on their shelves."
DreamWorker A fascinating dissertation on dying, death and the continuation of consciousness
"Silvana De Pretto... This book takes the sceptic and scientist-materialist via the collected research, on a journey to the possibility that there is a soul... I couldn't put it down; it's a fascinating read. The depth is amazing! I'm in awe of the research, (and the mind that understood the connections to do the research?)"
SilvanaLife changing book
Death, Our Last Illusion: A Scientific and Spiritual Probing of the Life Beyond Death.
Join us as Susan Shore shares her profound insights into life, death, and the timeless journey of the soul. This is a conversation that will stir your curiosity and awaken your spirit.